Projecte d'Escapada Prenatal
Projecte d'Escapada Prenatal
Bon dia! Em dic Lea i sóc llevadora. Estic treballant en un projecte personal que m’il·lusiona molt i penso que bastant novedós a Catalunya. Apans d’iniciar-lo vull avaluar la seva viabilitat mitjançant un qüestionari. Si tens un minut i el pots contestar em seria de gran gran ajuda!
Si tens alguna coneguda a qui li podria interessar i ho vols compartir estaria genial.
Moltes gràcies pel teu temps
Si tens alguna coneguda a qui li podria interessar i ho vols compartir estaria genial.
Moltes gràcies pel teu temps
Re: Projecte d'Escapada Prenatal
Hola Lea! It sounds like your project is really exciting! To get the most responses to your questionnaire and improve its viability evaluation, here’s a tip: share the survey in relevant online communities and forums where expectant mothers or healthcare professionals in Catalunya gather. You could also post it in social media groups focused on pregnancy and midwifery. Personalizing the message with a brief explanation of your project and how it benefits them might encourage more participation. Lastly, don’t hesitate to follow up with people who haven't responded yet—sometimes a friendly reminder goes a long way!
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